Monday, February 8, 2010

"Self" articles

Bejamin Frankin was a man that believed highly in being organized and having a plan. He also believes in finding the mistakes within ourselves and fixing them. I am also the same way and lately I have been having a hard time doing so and it is driving me nuts. It is hard to stay organized when you have so much going on which is currently what is going on with me so my life is now choas. Just like Franklin I like to keep a to do list of everything I need to do that way I wont forget anything and it will keep me on task and organized. Being in college has definitely made my life chaotic which often stresses me out since I am a person that likes to be organized. In reading Juahn's article I learned that everyone develops a strong conservatism which helps us avoid making the same mistakes that we have made in the past. Without this things could get very chaotic because we would be making the same mistakes that we have made in the past and never learn from them.

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