Monday, February 8, 2010

Professor Lovett's lecture on the brain.

In listening to Professor Lovett's lecture on the brain I learn alot of interesting information. Some information that stuck out to me the most was that we actually do use a lot more then 10% of our brain. Since I was in elementary school I have been told and I believed that we barely used any of our brain. Another interesting fact about the brain that stuck out to me was if the part of your brain that controls hunger, the hypothalamus was cut out then you would never be full no matter how much you ate, you would just want to continuously eat and never want to stop. From the readings, to the lecture, and the movies we watched in class I learned a lot about the brain and "self". Another thing that really stuck out to me that we saw in class was the women who had the split brain operation and when she went to grab the shirt that she wanted to wear out of her closet both her arms would go for the shirts and she would end up grabbing the shirt she wanted to wear and another. Learning about the brain and "self" comes back to order and chaos because the brain is what makes you who you are, you could not get a brain transplant surgery because you would be know where near the same person.

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