Sunday, January 24, 2010


In the beginning of Night Eliezer's belief and love for God is unconditional, as the book goes on and as his experiences in the Holocaust continue his beliefs are shaken up. In The Book of Job, in the beginning Job's belief and love for God is also strong but as the bad things are happening to him his beliefs are also shaken up. Both Eliezer and Job went through struggles and suffered and as those things happen their belief in God decreased because they did not understand why he would do such things to them.


  1. I agree with you!
    The two stories have a very similar plot and leave a same question "why do bad things happen and why do people need to undergo that?"
    The biggest difference is that Job got everything back from God (and God even made it double); however, Eliezer and other victims' hearts are still broken...

  2. Yeah, I think so, too. I was thinking that supposing I were in either situation, I would probably change my thoughts as well, which is just like both Job and Eliezer did.

  3. Yeah, I think so, too. I was thinking that supposing I were in either situation, I would probably change my thoughts as well, which is just like both Job and Eliezer did.

  4. Yeah, I think so, too. I was thinking that supposing I were in either situation,
    I would probably change my thoughts as well, which is just like both Job and Eliezer did.

  5. I agree, and I think it is a very hard subject to approach, because no one knows why God would let a person do such terrible things to others. And yes Job was put through a lot too but at least there was a reason for it.. what the Nazis did to the Jews was completely unacceptable and horrific. Why God let that happen is a very good question.
