Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Observing Conversations

1) Describe a small speech community to which you belong: What language(s) and/or dialect(s) do you regularly use (=the code), and what are the social norms for their use? Note the kinds of interactions you all engage in over one "typical" day: What are the topics discussed, the settings, the purposes, the "key," the types or genres of speech, etc?

Setting and Scene:
The setting is Feb. 4th in Macks. I was observing my group of friends as they ate dinner after cheerleading practice.

Their tones in the conversation is high and fast because they were discussing practice and how we have lost another teammate due to illness. Everyone is trying to get their opinion in.

The purpose of this conversation was the girls sharing their opinions and feelings about the stressful situation. The cheerleading team has a competition in the next few weeks so they were worrying on how the coach was going to handle losing another teammate for 2 weeks due to illness.

The girls were interrupting each other a lot when the conversation got heavy and everyone had their own opinions. Since the purpose of the conversation was to get each others ideas about the situation the girls did not mind it. Though at times the conversation got chaotic for me to understand it seemed to me as the girls knew exactly what was going on.

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