Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Burial at Thebes lecture

In attending Professor Lemak's lecture I learned a great amount information on ancient Greece. I also enjoyed how he grabbed our attention by talking about him self and music at first. I was shocked in listening that there was lottery to pick who would lead the city-state. I would not want a random person to run my city-state, that just seems very odd to me. How do we balance social justice with moral authority, or just with unjust laws? In the Burial at Thebes we see Antigone going against justice for her brother by giving him a proper burial and Creon was the authority that she was also going against. I think what Antigone did was morally right even though she went against authority, I would a member of my own family to get a proper burial.
Leadership is something that is very important to have. A leader should set good examples for the people around them. An example of leadership that comes to mind is a captain of a team. We just had a long talk about this at practice, a coach is a leader of the team but the coach cannot always talk about the good and bad about certain situations. Thats why we have captains, to help with the leadership role. Coach can tell us what is wrong and what looked bad and what looked good but in the end we need our captains to bring up our spirits and tell us what we need to do as a team to improve. Leaders face many issue and sometimes they can be very hard to come up with a way to fix it. King Creon had a though decision to make as a leader. He thought he was making the morally correct choice by deciding not to bury Polynices. In the end it made people upset, it is very hard to please everyone when you are a leader, someone will always disagree with your decision.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, what would we do without our coaches? But, if I consider your comparison I have to admit I have more respect for coaches than I do political leaders. Although both might make unpopular decisions at time, I think the number of people they "control" and the purpose of their jobs result in differing leadership styles.
