Friday, March 19, 2010

Blade Runner

1. Blade Runner is best known for its cyberpunk mise en scene (design aspects of the film): the incredibly dense texture of its shots. Watch very carefully and describe the 2020 culture the movie suggests visually.
Some 2020 culture I saw in the movie was that it seemed very dark and gloomy; it seemed to me like it was raining almost the entire movie. I cannot remember one scene where it looked sunny and happy place to be. From the visual the director portrays in the movie, it did not look very appealing. I guess the director was looking to portray 2020 as a dark time, very different from what we would see in Los Angles today.

3. Pulling in our current topics of Order and Chaos “The Self Among Others” what kind of economy does the 2020 world live in? Give examples of imagery or quotes to support your opinion.
The economy in 2020 was kind of confusing to me; there was all this new technology and the fancy buildings and architecture but the streets to me looked like dirty and gross like they did not keep up with the maintenance such as garbage disposal and keeping the streets clean. So to me I think the economy was good but they used the money in the wrong ways.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I found that the city was gloomy, which is a lot different from my image of L.A. I think the movie implies the dark aspect of the world in this way. After I read your blog, I found that!!
