Thursday, April 15, 2010

Definition of Order and Chaos

My definition of Order has been supported during this class one practical example I always think of when I think of Order is Sports Teams and how the players on the team need order from their coaches. If there was no Order in Sports Teams everything would be extremely chaotic. For example on a baseball team they have coaches at first and third base that help and give the players advice on when to run and when to stay while they are on that base. With out that things could get chaotic. Same with cheerleading without a coach things could get extremely out of hand, girls would want to do what ever they want to do and things could get dangerous. Order is defiantly needed in sports teams and it adds to my definition of order. "That the sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, is to prevent harm to others" (Mill, 64). This quote brings me to my next practical example I think of when I define Order, I think of the Police. They make sure everyone is following the rules so that everything stays in order and everyone in safe. Without the order of the Police this country could become a pretty scary place to live. "Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime is death." (1984) This quote leads me to word Discipline, in 1984 there was so much discipline and so much order that no one could even think on their own. Personally I think in 1984 there was too much order but when I do think of the word discipline I think of order. For example in school if there was no discipline then kids would be doing what ever they wanted and that would create chaos. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of chaos is the Mayhem on Black Friday. People run around like chickens without heads to get the best deals on Christmas presents. You hear of people getting hurt because people get so crazy on Black Friday. "Big cities are chaotic. And chaos for humans - who have experience from their ancestors - is the last step before conflict. So, in the park, every kind of visual contradiction has been eliminated." That brings me to my next example of chaos which is madness of big city's. There is the order of the police and the rules of the big citys but other then the there are so many people on the streets that things get chaotic. It is easy to lose the people you are walking with at night in New York City because there are so many people walking around doing what they want. So my definition of order and chaos stayed the same I think you need both order and chaos in your life. Order is good to keep people safe and keep things under control but sometimes chaos is good to shake up life a little bit and not make it so boring. I learned a lot about order and chaos in this class and I enjoyed it.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


  • Toward the end of Ch. V (p. 205), Darwin refers to the idea of a just war. Why do the inhabitants Darwin encounters in Brazil think they are engaged in a just war? Can any war be described as just? Why or why not?
  • Darwin thinks that they are engaged in a just war because it is against barbarians. I personally think that some wars can be just. An example of a just war is if there fighting to stop an invasion as long as no unarmed civilians are getting attacked.
  • What evidence can you find in the text that Darwin has begun to work out his theory of natural selection (see e.g. p. 228)?
  • Evidence I found of Darwin beginning to work out his theory was: "The two last species are closely allied, but the first would be considered by every naturalist as quite distinct. I examined many specimens in the different islands, and in each the respective kind was alone present. these birds agree in general plumage, structure and habits; so that the different species replace each other in the economy of different islands."